
I suppose it doesn't look much like a green sea turtle but the rosette and the snakewood appointments made me think of one. The body is pernambuco, the Brazilian hardwood that was almost logged to extinction for its use in making a red cloth dye for wealthy Europeans. Now it's used for making violin bows. This set is a brighter orange than most with a chatoyance that is hard to photograph. It really shimmers. And the tone shimmers too. It's a special ukulele, at home in high or low G. The top is Alaskan yellow cedar with very fine grain. Due to the density of the exotic woods and a hard maple neck this ukulele is heavier than my other ukuleles. But the tone doesn't suffer. Fret markers are brass. Tuners are 4:1 gold Gotoh UPTs with snakewood buttons. Frets are Evo gold. Gloss oil varnish finish. Ukulele Site sound clip at the 6:13 mark. $3595 Out of Stock.